Hospital electric hydraulic medical surgery bed operation room surgical operating table

Overall size: 2150mm*500mm*580-930mm
Dimension of section:
Head Section:250×500mm
Shoulder Section:250×500mm
Back Section:250×500mm
Seat section:550×500mm
Leg Section:600×240mm
Range of movements:
Reversed Trendelenburg:≥20°
Lateral Tilt:≥15°
Backward and Forward Movements:≥250mm
Adjustment of sections:
Head Section Raised from the horizontal:≥45°
Head Section lowered from the horizonta:≥90°
Shoulder Section Raised from the horizontal:≥25°
Shoulder Section lowered from the horizontal:≥20°
Back Section Raised from the horizontal:≥75°
Back Section Raised from the horizontal:≥30°
Leg Section Lowered from the horizontal:≥90°
Leg section opened:≥90°
Horizonal ratation of tabletop:0~180°
Lifting speed:4~16mm/s
safe working load:135kg