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2022-05-14 20:07:19 By : Ms. Amy Liu

Marietta’s Earth Day Celebration events began April 9 with the return of the Hard to Recycle Materials Event that collected appliances and TVs, textiles, rechargeable batteries, mattresses, hardbound books and medical equipment and supplies to be either repurposed or recycled. We collected over 180 TVs, 34 mattresses, a truckful of electronics and appliances and over 1,000 lbs. of batteries that were all recycled instead of landfilled along with re-use of textiles and medical equipment. This took a team to organize and special thanks to Ed Newman with Rural Action, Athens-Hocking Recycling Center, Marietta Area Recycling Center and Peoples Bank as well as the many volunteers that helped staff the event to make it so successful. The trucks taking everything away were full!

On April 23, the Marietta Earth Day Celebration was back at Armory Square for our 23rd Anniversary with a sunny warm day. Special thanks to event sponsors: Peoples Bank and the Marietta Area Recycling Center. Peoples Bank, a co-sponsor of the Marietta Earth Day events, kicked the event off by presenting a check in the amount of $1,000 to the Marietta Area Recycling Center. The Avian Conservation Center of Appalachia, through the sponsorship of the Kiwanis Club of Marietta, came this year with Crystal the screech owl and Killy the kestrel and allowed all who attended to see them up close and learn about them. Appalachian Renewable Power brought their solar panel display as well as information on solar panels and electric generation. Marietta Adventure Company provided information on the many trails in and around Marietta both for walking, riding bikes and kayaking. The interactive lock and dam model was provided by the Ohio Department of Natural Resources to demonstrate how the system works on our rivers to keep them navigable and the model boat was ably captained by Brad Bond and Jon Ortt. The Ohio River Islands National Wildlife Refuge brought a soft shelled river turtle and information on river life. Bruce Wunderlich answered birding questions and provided information on BWD.

There were also electric vehicles on hand to see including a Tesla, Bolt, electric bike and even a commercial zero turn lawnmower. There were many other local and regional organizations that participated with activities and information to make us more aware of the environment.

Take It — Make It crafts were available from several of the participating organizations. A number of the activities and displays were focused on the importance of pollinators and planting and creating gardens to attract them. Thanks to Walmart for donating funding to provide pollinator planting kits to pass out at the main Earth Day Pollinator Table.

Games were provided by the Oak Grove Explorers 4-H Club members. Wonderful live music was performed by Marietta’s own High Schools That Rock with Mark Doebrich, band director. Woodsy the owl (Give a Hoot Don’t Pollute!) from the Wayne National Forest came for a visit as well as the first ever sighting of the Grey Goose mascot from the Ohio River Islands National Wildlife Refuge!

The Trash to Art Show was back this year with items made from materials that would have been thrown away or recycled. We moved this year from voting for winners to everyone being a winner for participating! Entries ranged from a dog and dog bed made from scrap cloth material by Elin Jones, Adaline Stevens made a caterpillar and dragon from Easter egg and toothpaste tops, Josie Stevens made a Hello Kitty and can light; Lucas Zhang an army tank out of pasteboard boxes and glass jars; Blair Sulfridge a tardigrade out of cardboard and plastics. Participation prizes were provided by Greenleaf Landscaping, Wendy’s and McDonalds.

The Earth Day Celebration requires planning and effort by volunteers and even more volunteers show up on the day of the event. Special thanks to Marietta Civitan for helping set up and tear down along with the use of their tables and chairs. Everyone’s efforts and continued support are greatly appreciated. We’re looking forward to the next year!

Janet Anderson (Wayne National Forest)

Prudence Burgardt, Betsy Cook, Mary Hetrick, Dawn Hewitt (FUUSM Green Sanctuary Committee)

Jody Kohler, Kathy Ortt (Marietta Area Recycling Center)

and Esther Salem (Marietta Community Earth Day Celebration Committee)

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